Comment 61449

Comment ID 61449

[Art] Butterfly Forest
Nov 5, 2007, 1:10:26 PM UTC on [Art] Butterfly Forest
I'm really loving the aquamarine glowing down there in the right hand corner. It's amazing, and I can't accomplish that effect. And the grass is really done. ^^


  • Nov 5, 2007, 4:57:11 PM UTC
    Thanks so much! Bounce

    The glow was done using layers and layers of aquamarine and true green and white, over and over (well, mostly the white), so that it glowed. Also, I added some blue-green tinges to the rocks and the tree, to make it feel like it was really giving off light.

    • Nov 5, 2007, 5:30:39 PM UTC
      You're welcome Smile

      And thanks for the tip (that is if I ever draw glowing mushrooms or something) ^^