Comment 76957

Comment ID 76957

[Art] Magician of ice and water
Mar 4, 2009, 5:29:52 PM UTC on [Art] Magician of ice and water
This is a lovely piece but the color seems a little bland or washed out. Perhaps if you placed some darker values in areas of deepest shadow, it would really pop. Thanks for sharing.


  • Mar 5, 2009, 9:30:43 AM UTC
    My first constructive critic here! Thank you so much! I was wondering if someone would ever notice that the color is way too pale and somewhat grainy. This was the first time I was using Photoshop, and I didn't dare using too vivid colors. I thought about correcting it, but I finally prefer to practice on other drawings. This pic is kinda precious to me the way it is^^ Yes, even with its errors.