Comment 84038

Comment ID 84038

[Art] Sleeping in a Box
Jan 17, 2011, 2:42:52 AM UTC on [Art] Sleeping in a Box
I can never tell if animals are actually comfortable sleeping in such awkward positions XD Apparently cats hind legs don't connect to their spine or something so they're totally relaxed when they do that XD


  • Jan 17, 2011, 2:45:03 AM UTC
    I think if they weren't comfortable, they would move.
    My kitten was like this for about a half an hour before and after I drew this, so I think she liked it. xD
    • Jan 17, 2011, 2:48:14 AM UTC
      Yeah- my cat use to slip in beside my parents bed and crank his body 180 degrees the other way up and sleep like that with his nose crammed into the sheets. Cats are abnormal XD I guys it gives them their agility though Smile