Comment 84506

Comment ID 84506

[Art] Broken Umbrage
Mar 13, 2011, 11:15:08 PM UTC on [Art] Broken Umbrage
The line weight difference is good Smile Try giving variation of line a go during the line, like... I'm not sure how to explain it cause I do it by feel, but when you draw naturally, you put alot of weight on areas with alot of tension, and when you draw areas that are relaxed, it tends to be thinner. Something like that Smile It'll give it a bit more dynamic. Otherwise, looking good ^^


  • Apr 21, 2011, 1:53:50 AM UTC
    Ah, this is a really late response, but thank you so much for your comments! I've been trying to add a thicker line where there is tension, and thinner lines where it is less tense. I'll definitely continue to try! Thanks so much C: