Comment 86533

Comment ID 86533

[Art] Sprite pals
Jan 9, 2012, 8:06:52 AM UTC on [Art] Sprite pals
Awe- they're so cute together ^^ I wondered if they'd be for the colouring book Smile


  • Jan 9, 2012, 8:35:28 AM UTC
    Yeah, they're adorable, huh? I just broke these out of storage. First time I've been glad I didn't throw something away.

    I think this book is a great idea. Yes See, I never would have thought of that. No
    • Feb 15, 2012, 8:57:02 AM UTC
      throw art away? D: You peopel that throw art away... I couldn't do that. I still have art from when I was 7. I only get rid of art which is uninspiring, or so'what the hell is this make it burn' bad. I've only ever permanently destroyed about 5 images, and I'm by no means a perfect artist.
      • Feb 16, 2012, 6:36:22 PM UTC
        I gotta keep my house clean. I can't be carting fifteen boxes of half-finished sketches of the same little girl everywhere I go.