Comment 88424

Comment ID 88424

[Art] Commissions OPEN
Nov 24, 2013, 11:39:48 PM UTC on [Art] Commissions OPEN
I wish you the best of luck with finding commissions. We're hoping to make it easier for users to find artists who do commissions. If you have any ideas around this, let me know.


  • Nov 26, 2013, 1:36:03 AM UTC
    Thank you very much, I have a feeling that I will need all the luck I can get. As for ideas you may consider a tab or even a search option that will allow people to veiw all of the artists that accept commissions. Maybe add in something in the profile section that allows the artist to set their commissions as open or closed. I dont know how possible such a thing is but that or something similar would definitely help.

    You could even have a feature section at the main page that advertises a random commission artist.
    • Nov 26, 2013, 5:45:52 AM UTC
      Actually we used to have a page a long time ago that listed all the people accepting commissions but we removed it a while back because the traffic was low. But I really like the idea of having it on the main art page so I've just added the page back again. I've also updated the art main page to show three artists accepting commissions Big Smile

      Here's the full page with artists accepting commissions:

      Eventually I need to change it to show artwork of the artists but this is a start. What do you think?
      • Nov 26, 2013, 7:07:35 AM UTC
        Oh thats awesome. Wow you work fast xD. But I agree that having sample art would be good. Something else to consider would be a form for every artist to fill out that asked about the genres a types of art they do. That way a potential commissioner can search artists based on what they are wanting drawn. If that it even possible.
        • Dec 8, 2013, 8:43:58 PM UTC
          I agree. That's a great idea. I'll add it to my list. Things are busy with the holidays right now but I'll definitely get it on my to do list. Thank you!