Comment 89928

Parent Comment

Feb 20, 2016, 5:48:18 AM UTC
Solid shading so far, and a quite intense expression. I look forward to seeing what this looks like complete. Smile

Comment ID 89928

[Art] Steve Rogers WIP2
Feb 21, 2016, 11:54:28 PM UTC on [Art] Steve Rogers WIP2
I do too XD HAHAH XD Yeah- it's been a while in the process. Me and art have been a bit funny for a few years now cause of my health. I do intend on finishing it though Smile Hopefully I can get onto it when I'm fully settled into my new flat Smile


  • Feb 22, 2016, 1:18:53 AM UTC
    *nods* Life happens. It's cool to see what you've got going on so far in any case - and best wishes for your health and the move. Smile
    • Feb 22, 2016, 2:17:35 AM UTC
      Well, the move happened at the beginning of the month, and apparently the area I moved to is notorious for ants. Like... everywhere XD I spent the first week or more freaking out at being an ant highways D: That was... dramatic. It's wound back to 1 or 2 ants thankfully, which I can tolerate. The biggest problem I have now is adjusting to being in a new flat and life style. Not sure how long it'll take, but it's going to be so beneficial for me I think TuT

      Thank you though- I hope I learn how to adult well here. I have way more freedom than I use to have. I hope it's going to do me some greater good in the long run for my health TuT
      • Feb 22, 2016, 2:53:25 AM UTC
        Oooooh dear. Ant trouble's - not fun. <.< Glad it's died down at least.

        I haven't really gotten much adulting done myself - mostly studenting and arting and politely ignoring that adulting is a thing I should be working on doing by now. :p
        • Feb 22, 2016, 4:00:50 AM UTC
          Mostly yeah. We're coming up to Autumn though so that may be why it's gone down XD We're experimenting with ant bait though cause we think we have a nest in the house. I'm glad the flat is pro-active getting rid of them at least Smile

          I can't get away without learning to adult. I have dietary requirements from my adrenal fatigue, where I have to have a low FODMAP diet essentially, and pretty much everyone that has ever catered for me has yelled at me for my diet. I wont go into the details, but all the fun, socially acceptable stuff to eat? Can't have it. My goal is to learn how to make foods that I can eat. Heck- maybe others will like it too in case I do the flat group meal thing again, and everyone can eat what I do and enjoy it #lifegoals

          Sorry if that was a downer, but it's just been a lot of years that I've had this diet, and I'm not sure if anyone realizes how worn out their words have made me. They all want me to feel loved and included, but sometimes it's just easier if I can do my own thing >.>
          • Feb 22, 2016, 5:26:18 AM UTC
            Here's hoping your ants stay their distance when the weather warms up again. Smile (My current weather is Supposedly Winter Acting Like Spring.)

            That's rough. >.<
            Not too much of a downer - don't have a problem with people letting off a little steam. And it seems like you've had a lot to deal with.
            Best luck in the Cooking Invention endeavors. Smile
            • Feb 22, 2016, 9:10:54 PM UTC
              omg I hope they do too >.<

              Thank you- my health is an awkward subject, and I'm use to it being received negatively, even from my parents. My ex flatmate didn't believe in adrenal fatigue cause science hadn't studied it enough (or my method of healing it- homeopathy. He doesn't know what I was like before the homeopathy though T.T ) and thought I had Aspergers syndrome (I don't), and my other flatmate thought I needed to be put on suppliments and drugs cause my fight and flight responses were screwed up (she was wrong- there were reasons for my fight and flight to be triggered every time), and they both tried to convince me I had psychological problems that I didn't have. It's been.... messed up. I'll stop talking about that though, cause I've moved on. My new flatmates understand that homeopathy is healing me, that I have dietary requirements, and that I have adrenal fatigue. It's something that will eventually heal- I just need to not be constantly overloading them with stuff to deal with, and it's all stuff you take for granted- sugars, stress, exercise, eating foods that are difficult to digest, sleeping bugger all, stimulants like coffee (omfg- I had 5+ a day black coffees- I was so bad) or alcohol.... so many things. I use to do all of these and love it.

              Thank you- I look forward to what I learn :3 I do love food ^^ One cool thing about the adrenal fatigue is it forces me to buy high quality foods only, and I tell you what- worth it. So not all of it is bad Wink