Comment 90231

Parent Comment

Feb 26, 2016, 3:13:33 AM UTC
Thank you Smile It's funny cause I rarely draw birds. I guess the fundamental base set up of a bird is the same as a human, so once you can do one, the other isn't so hard TuT I had a lot of fun making this I remember. Copics are a fun medium to work with. Had to take photos and shrink it a lot to see if it read well as a card too which was important, cause I started off with too much detail, and it looked cancerous when shrunk XD IT was a very popular card though Big Smile I'm going to sell my excess stock at a convention this year Smile

Comment ID 90231

[Art] Christmas card 2014
Mar 1, 2016, 8:41:31 PM UTC on [Art] Christmas card 2014
I really like your style , I wish i had more free time so I could work on more time consuming pieces like that , but my schedule only leaves time for quick projects . May be in a few more years when the kids are out and we are empty nesters I will be able to find the time to develop my skills as you have! Smile


  • Mar 2, 2016, 10:23:02 PM UTC
    Thank you Smile That's a difficult subject. If I don't have energy to draw, art rarely happens at all. Just know that you're still an artist, and not drawing gallery inspiring art don't de-value your worth. It's been hard for me to wrap my mind around not always doing challenging art, but what ever you do when you don't have the energy is important too, cause it keeps the movement going.

    In otherwords, try not to be hard on yourself for not being able to make complex art. I have been and it's not healthy. Make sure you eat and sleep right, and if you still can't draw, then atleast you're healthy which is the most important thing Smile

    I hope you'll get time to push your art skills some day soon Smile It's always really nice to see your art improve Smile In the mean time- I'm happy that you enjoy my art TuT It means a lot to me to know that I aspire people to grow with their art Smile Yes