Comment 90337

Parent Comment

Mar 13, 2016, 1:57:26 AM UTC
Jeez, I don't think I could handle having that many ^^;; I feel like I should part with some as it is, but since they're embodiments of characters I don't think I can make myself do it D: aaah!

It's always been tough for me to meet people with similar interests. When I was young it was because we moved a lot due to my dad's job, then when we finally did settle, it was in a very rural area where people who were creative were ~weird~ and not well thought of. My parents always encouraged me to be artistic and stuff, but then my mom didn't want me to TELL people I was because she didn't want the awful people there to think ill of our family because I was one of those ARTSY people. Which I think is dumb as crap, but whatever. e_e I met a few people after moving here because I got a job at an art supply store, but the unfortunate part of being adults is that they've now all moved away and now that I'm a stay-at-home mama, the internet is really the only way I have to meet new people ^^;; Though we have a pretty rockin' anime convention here, and I'm hoping to make some more friends there this summer! If I can get over being so shy. *crosses fingers*

Comment ID 90337

[Art] Life in Secrecy
Mar 14, 2016, 8:21:20 PM UTC on [Art] Life in Secrecy
Well,the cool thing with conventions is that you can make IRL friends with those people, and some of them are local, and think of art as a positive thing. Next time you're at a convention, try seeing if they're not scarey people and are local. I've made a lot of friends that way in my country. People at cons are usually reasonably local. You may find your new best friend Smile


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