Comment 91590

Parent Comment

Apr 18, 2017, 3:43:41 AM UTC
Haha I was totally like you! "A love story between an ELF and a DWARF??? What are you talking about? Are you high? Or drunk? Or high and drunk??" 🤣
(I was also particularly miffed about the introduction of the character of Tauriel..)
But then, the actors' chemistry was good and I liked the look of them together and you know what, I'm a total sucker for thwarted love stories..always have been :p I know, lame😆 So I started to warming up to them little by little and before I knew it I was sold!

Comment ID 91590

[Art] Kili and Tauriel
Apr 20, 2017, 12:16:45 AM UTC on [Art] Kili and Tauriel
My thing was like... We only have five total interspecies romances on record as such; one of which was elf/god (doesn't count), one of which was unsuccessful, and one of which had her ancestors for precedent, and that's between elves and HUMANS.

I could see given a certain population of elves and dwarves and opportunity for peacetime interaction that it might be able to happen eventually, even with the low chances of interspecies romance in Middle Earth... But with a lot of time, time to learn one another and find things in common and learn the falsehood of one another's racial stereotypes, not - instantly looking into one another's eyes and just falling in love in spite of all of the obvious social and psychological and historical barriers!

Like - If I was gonna ship elf/dwarf it would be, say a Kazad-Dum dwarf (Narvi?) with Celebrimbor, an elf who they respected and worked with as a craftsman and who was instrumental to fostering good trade relations between elves and dwarves until the thing with the Rings went down. That could be beautiful. And I can kinda see the appeal of Gigolas, especially with bookverse Gimli being more eloquent and less of a joke than his movie self - battle-partners bonding over saving the world could be a basis for a relationship? But Kiliel just happened so quickly...

Although. Luthien seemed to fall for Beren pretty fast too, and there's some textual evidence that Elves have kind of a soulmate thing going or at least hypermonogamy. That if you fall for somebody, you're stuck. Which makes a bit of sense of the situation.

...Too much rambling? Wink


  • Apr 21, 2017, 4:07:49 AM UTC
    Oh yes, I agree wholeheartedly! Elves and dwarves have history, that's one way of putting it, and deep cultural and social differences. A love story between an elf and a dwarf is practically impossible because the two species aren't compatible at all and this is why elf/dwarf friendships are extremely rare in the books... a romantic relationship would require a very long, very complex build up that it's just not possible to insert in a few hours of cinematic rendition.

    But you know how it is in Hollywood..give the people what they want and they will make you disgustingly rich. So enter cliche love triangle between three impossibly beautiful actors and great love-at-first-sight movie romance and you're done.

    Despite all of this, in the end I fell for it all the same Tongue