Comment 91660

Comment ID 91660

Apr 23, 2017, 2:30:25 PM UTC on [Art] SHRUG
OH MY GOSH THIS IS TRADITIONAL MEDIA HOW YOUR ART IS SO PRECISE I am a little bit intimidated right now you're kind of awesome I get away with using pens by laying on so much detail than a little error wouldn't be visible and ink wash - liquid media - that's gotta be even trickier, more like painting levels of precision required. How?


  • Apr 23, 2017, 11:27:28 PM UTC
    80% of it is the paper tbh. I tried dip pens on cartridge and it bleeds everywhere. My multiliners are ok on cartridge buy dip pens bleed way too much. Currently I'm using zeta paper to practice on. I'll eventually move to Bristol when I'm confident as zeta is super thin and has a watermark, but the zeta is a super smooth and easy paper that holds ink in place strong. After that, it's the nib and it's characteristics, ink, and technique. It helps I use zeta with the dip pens. I think if I use multiliners with it then my non dip pen art would improve too XD

    The colour that isn't the line art is digital, but the library's are all ink. Sorry if that's confusing ^^;
    • Apr 24, 2017, 3:01:28 AM UTC
      Oh, ok. Good paper and partial digital coloring both sound like advantages. Still, kudos. Smile