Comment 92400

Comment ID 92400

[Art] Smoky mountain
Sep 26, 2017, 4:09:04 AM UTC on [Art] Smoky mountain
The color choices of the mountain are interesting, very pastel. Are they supposed to be like sunrise colors? The black banks put a lot of focus on it since they contrast so much. To me, it feels a bit like a magical or sacred aspect being contrasted to a very sinister or lifeless one.

It's a good piece in my opinion, but it feels a bit empty, even if the mountain is the central focus. Maybe some clouds or more detail to the black banks would help.


  • Sep 26, 2017, 2:33:09 PM UTC
    Thanks for the feedback! It's a sunset.

    I was thinking maybe I just needed to spend more time on the mountain and add more color variation to give it more interest. The mountain details were rushed. I tried to use a technique I've seen Bob Ross do with the palette knife to add snow to mountains.

    The foreground hills probably would look better if there were actual trees there. The dark color is probably what makes it feel sinister.

    But maybe the sinister feeling is appropriate since this was taken after a wildfire.
    • Sep 27, 2017, 9:36:07 PM UTC
      A wildfire would do that. I've heard of that technique before, it sounds interesting, though I probably wouldn't be one to try it since I don't often work with paint.
      The color choices on the mountain are good, though defining the mountain itself in some way would probably add a good bit to the piece.