Comment 94102

Comment ID 94102

[Art] Spell
Oct 6, 2018, 3:11:03 PM UTC on [Art] Spell
The red and black ink combo with the orange red background is a nice presentation.

She's a neat looking witch. Definitely draw more! What is she holding? A futuristic magic wand?


  • Oct 6, 2018, 3:54:04 PM UTC
    Thanks you so much!!! I am in love with my child and she is so precious and cool and looks very brave and is confident and and...*gushing continues* I'm so proud my unconscious mind drew her.

    The background is just my desk soooo yeah I totally planned that. Yep, I'm a master of planning haha. It can be a futuristic wand, or maybe just some coolly designed one cuz she's so good and creative and smart and beautiful and and...*gushes more*

    Bottomline is, I love her. Thank you for the comment!!!