Comment 9469

Parent Comment

Jul 22, 2005, 11:08:50 AM UTC
Wow, this is your FIRST one???? That's awesome!! He looks amazing; I love his pose and the way you colored it in white with dark lines for contrast. This is soo kewl, Katie; you are very talented!! Favorite!

Comment ID 9469

[Art] InuYasha
Jul 24, 2005, 8:53:33 PM UTC on [Art] InuYasha
^_^ uh-huh. I've never drawn anyone other then Kikyo except for now. ^_^ And I've been watching it since I was 9. LOL Thank you!! Everyone in my house won't even look at my art... X_X Meanie family.... lol


  • Jul 26, 2005, 9:48:32 AM UTC
    Wow, you're so good, Katie!!!
    I can't beleive your family won't look at your art; why on earth not?? I'm actually sensitive about people seeing my art in person, but I have to beat my family members away eith a fly swatter to get them away from hovering over me when I draw Tongue Wanna trade families?? Wink
    • Jul 26, 2005, 10:02:20 AM UTC
      Well, my mother says she has no interst in art so she just doesn't like to look at anyone's art. My dad and brother-in-law say it's a waste of time and should be given up. And my sister says she just doesn't have the time. Actually, that's why I started posting on the internet at all. LOL I hate it when I go draw at a park and people I don't know do that to me. I don't like that one bit. lol
      • Jul 26, 2005, 10:06:29 AM UTC
        It makes me so mad that your family would actually be so selfish as to use those lame excuses to just not give a rip about their daughter/sister's passion! I am so sorry, Kaite. You deserve so much better! I hope they wake up someday and start caring Tongue
        • Jul 26, 2005, 10:13:27 AM UTC
          ^_^ Thank you. It's just how they are, though. They always have been like that. we're all into different things and everyone condems everyone else. I can't tell you how much I have to listen to with them. They hate my art, I'm "anti-social", I'm a sicko rat-lover, I'm going to never make it to college, I'm never going to have a descent job, I'm ugly, my hair is to long, my style of clothes is to bright... @_@ They just like putting me down. So, I stop listening!! lol I tune them out. lol
          • Jul 27, 2005, 10:52:57 PM UTC
            Makes me wish I could take you away from there and you could come hang with me! It's sad that they're missing out on pieces of the life of a beautiful, intelligent, talented, warm, and unique girl (you, Katie) who also happens to be their daughter/sister/relative... I'm glad you don't listen to them, but I do hope you realize that there are people out here (like me!!) who love ya no matter what your interests or opinions or whatever. I haven't even met you and I know you're awesome and beautiful. Makes me wonder how they could be so blind. Ah well, keep your chin up. We at PaperDemon love you anyway!! Corky Smile
            • Jul 28, 2005, 3:37:47 PM UTC
              Aw, that's so sweet of you, Meg!! ^_^ That's really nice of you to care that much about someone you've never met. ^_^ As soon as I get my pictures off my mom, you'll be the first to get them. ^_^ My family doesn't bother me. They just are very critical people. It happens. ^_^
              • Jul 29, 2005, 7:18:34 PM UTC
                Can't wait to see the pics, Katie!
                And it's no problem; you're not very hard to like anyways, geez! lol ^_^
                • Jul 30, 2005, 8:21:06 AM UTC
                  O___O Is that you? As in, is that you in your avatar?
                  • Jul 30, 2005, 10:50:08 AM UTC
                    Lol! Yeah, it is! I just dyed my hair red again ^_^
                    I did it a couple of years ago, and then got bored of the blonde again just recently, lol! It's actualy a lot brighter than it looks in the pic ^^
                    • Jul 30, 2005, 10:53:31 AM UTC
                      You look really pretty.
                      yeah, I dye my hair too. I'm naturally blond, but I don't always like it. At my old school people always would call me a "stupid blond". It didn't matter that I was, without fail every year, valivictorian. So, From the time I was 11, till I was almost 14, my hair was dark brown with red and pruple stripes. LOL
                      • Jul 30, 2005, 10:57:07 AM UTC
                        Wow! Yeah, being called dumb just goes with the territory, lol. My job is actually being the band leader at my church, and even though it's a big job that takes a lot of responsibility and coordination, people still call me a dumb blonde, lol.
                        But I like being a redhead. I would love to try brown with purple and red streaks, tho... I bet that looks AWESOME! Also bet my mom wouldn't let me, tho, heheh... ^_^
                        • Jul 30, 2005, 11:03:50 AM UTC
                          I have no idea who came up with that, but I'd like to let them have a piece of my mind. XP lol
                          lol I like how it looks. Usually when I tell people that, they think I'm gthic. Far from it. People say I've got taste in clothes like a hippie. lol
                          When I was 9, I could sit on my hair. It was REALLY long and REALLY blond. well, one day I get this bucket sized thing of neon pink hair dye, and dyed my whole head like that. My mom was not pleased, but I did that stuff all the time. Plus it was dye. It's not like she could get it out. LOL
                          • Jul 30, 2005, 11:09:03 AM UTC
                            Wow, that's funny! lol I know my mom would have slaughtered me if I did something like that, dyeing my hair hot pink! Laughing
                            But I mean, it's hair, right? It grows back out, you can cut it, you can color it, whatever. I mean, you might as well have fun with it, right?? Wink
                            • Jul 30, 2005, 11:17:19 AM UTC
                              It was super fun that summer, though!! Laughing
                              That's exactly how I see it! It took a long time for my mother to get used to how psycho I can be about some things. My entire style threw her through a loop at first. My sister never dyed her hair, always dressed in super plain clothes, was really quiet, was always just going along with the crowd... then there was me! And, me and my sister have NOTHING in common. LOL My mom doesn't give a rat's tutu what I do now. She gave up on the idea that I'd be like Mandy a few years ago. Very Happy
                              • Jul 30, 2005, 11:19:16 AM UTC
                                Lol! You finally convinced her you were beyond all hope! Laughing
                                • Jul 30, 2005, 11:24:58 AM UTC
                                  =^_^= That's right! As long as I have perfect grades, she doesn't care. Laughing Just last week I asked her if I should dye my hair blue striped again and she said "Katie, I don't care if you dye your face with blue stripes. Just stay on top of your school work." LOL
                                  • Jul 30, 2005, 11:28:10 AM UTC
                                    Lol! She really has given up! Good thing you keep up with your schoolwork Laughing
                                    • Jul 30, 2005, 11:33:43 AM UTC
                                      ^_^ That's about all she CAN do. She can't watch me every second of every day. It's just not possiable. *snicker* Tongue