Comment 95123

Comment ID 95123

[Art] Happy Holidays to hushicho!!
Jan 2, 2020, 10:17:42 PM UTC on [Art] Happy Holidays to hushicho!!
This is absolutely delightful and I love it! What a wonderful picture, and so festive! I adore sexy "Santa" here and I especially adore all the attention and detail given to those ornaments. Absolutely stunning and so absorbing! You clearly gave so much thought to them, and the lighting on them is just delightful and mesmerizing. I'm so grateful, thank you so very much!


  • Jan 13, 2020, 1:22:00 AM UTC
    Thank you for the kind words! And you are very welcome! I am sooooo happy you like the art, I worked so hard for it! Bounce
    I had a lot of fun drawing the Holidays tree,... and the young man of course! Wink
    So I'm really, really glad you like it! Heart