Comment 95666

Comment ID 95666

[Art] Fireball flame doggo
May 11, 2020, 8:41:39 PM UTC on [Art] Fireball flame doggo
Nice work with the pencils here, they're very consistent in color. Her muzzle came out well, however with the line art of it being one shape, it doesn't mesh into the rest of the face as well as it could. I'd recommend breaking the line at some pint, like close to the eyes (most muzzles are relatively flat on the top, so when it gets close to the eyes and rises, we'd just see the smooth slope as it melds to the rest of the face. Does that make any sense? I might be putting it unclearly, sorry!). To take it a step further, you could add a few lines to replace the top of the muzzle's line which show a snarl, since that's what she appears to be doing. It would strengthen her expression even further- her face as a whole came out very well, it would be lovely to see it even better Smile

As a side note, she has a wonderful tail, the fluff is highly approved.
