Comment 96646

Comment ID 96646

[Art] Not as Blue with You
Jun 13, 2020, 6:00:42 PM UTC on [Art] Not as Blue with You
The splatter effect adds to the atmosphere of this so much, is it raining? To me it gives the strong feeling that it is raining, though I suppose not since no one has their hoods up or ant umbrellas. Maybe it was just recently so? That would be a super creative way to show that artistically.

I think a lot of us have a harder time holding onto creativity as we get older. We have more things to do, less time for what we love and it can be depressing. I'm trying to work out what things I do so I still have time to pursue my stories and art, it's important to me. Maybe it isn't a matter of time for you, but I hope you hold onto that spark.


  • Jun 14, 2020, 7:24:42 PM UTC
    I live in the Pacific Northwest, so it's cloudy and about to rain most of the year haha. It is supposed to be kinda rainy in the picture, but I didn't even think of adding umbrellas and such since a lot of people (myself included) just ignore it if it isn't raining too hard.

    My whole ordeal with maintaining my creativity has been rough, but I'm finally in a place where I have the time and energy to devote to my stories rather than just using them as an escape from reality. I'm very grateful for the time
    • Jun 15, 2020, 1:49:00 AM UTC
      That would make a ton of sense, it makes sense why they aren't phased by it then! It doesn't rain so often where I'm from, it'll look like it'll rain and people will already have the rain gear ready haha.