Comment 96842

Comment ID 96842

[Art] Things Burned in your Absence
Jun 22, 2020, 7:14:16 PM UTC on [Art] Things Burned in your Absence
I find the contrast between the boulder and the rest of the woods to be interesting. The ashen remains of the trees are soft and somber, but the stone remains as it was before and has for a long time, with the same crags and grooves despite the desolation around it. I'm probably looking for symbolism where there wasn't meant to be, but I find it still to be neat.

The blurred branches at the very front of the piece add a ton to the immersion of it, its a small detail that's easy to not think about but it brings a lot to this.


  • Jun 28, 2020, 8:51:56 PM UTC
    tbh I've never thought of the symbolism in the boulder + trees. I really like your interpretation, though. It fits very well with the themes of the actual story and has given me some ideas to take it a bit further. I also really like doing 'blurry stuff in the foreground' to better place the viewer in the scene, but I often forget.
    • Jun 28, 2020, 11:23:11 PM UTC
      I was always the kid who'd go nuts on analyzing poems and such for symbolism, so I'm glad that tendency of mine contributes! The blurry thing is something I've been meaning to include in more of my art, but it's easy to forget, especially when I haven't been focusing on paintings and such with my art lately.