Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 169 Members

📌 Pinned: Read Me - Community Forum Rules

  1. Posted on Jul 31, 2020, 1:36:15 AM UTC
    ID: 29636 | #1
    Level 1

    Welcome to the Dragons of Aquella Community Forum!

    This space is for group-related advertising as well as general community chatter.



    Use these keys in your thread titles to let people know what you’re advertising. You can use multiple keys in one title if needed. If your thread doesn't fit into one of these keys, that's okay!

    [S] - Selling. Use this key to indicate that you’re selling items, genos, or imports.

    [LF] - Looking For. Use this key when you’re looking for specific things.

    [T] - Trade. Use this when you’re looking to trade something.

    [C] - Commissions. Use this key when you are offering commissions.

    [R/E] - Raffles and Events. Use R/E to indicate that the thread is advertising a raffle, an event, or both.



    You can also advertise and chat in the Dragons of Aquella discord.



    1. Please post as few advertising threads as possible. While we understand that some of your personal advertisements may need to be split up for best functionality, please keep threads to a minimum. If you can combine a sale and trade advertisement into one, please do!

    2. Please wait 3 days after the most recent comment to bump a thread.

    3. All posts in this forum must be aqrion related. You may sell or advertise other ARPG related things, but each thread MUST have aqrion related elements or it will be deleted.



    1. No discussion of religion, politics, or personal life drama. Small vents are fine, but please keep the atmosphere friendly and welcoming.

    2. Do not vent or complain about other ARPG groups or their members.

    3. Keep it PG-13 in content and PG in language. Please avoid cursing as we have many younger members and would like to keep the environment safe for them.

    4. If an admin tells you to stop, STOP. Your posts and threads may be edited or deleted by a moderator if you break these rules or our PD's general rules.

    5. Please be polite and considerate.

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