Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

[C] taking AR commissions

  1. Posted on Dec 29, 2020, 8:42:48 PM UTC
    ID: 31839 | #1
    Level 3

    Doing a few AR commissions! Only for animal-based ARPGs right now.






    $10 each, will be one character coloured, shaded, and with a background. Each additional character will be an extra $2 (up to 3 characters) super complex characters may cost an additional $1-$2. 

    Prices are in $CAD, payment will be sent via PayPal.

    I will send you the rough sketch to be approved, and you will be able to ask for changes to be made after the image is complete. 


    If you’d like, I can add one of my own ARPG characters for free, since many ARPGs have an “other ARPG character” bonus.

    Either message me here, or email [email protected] with the form below filled.

    Character(s): (Up to 3, non-human characters only) 
    Type of AR: (Scavenging, caving, etc.) 
    Specific requests: (Do you want a certain background? Certain prey animal for hunting/environment for scavenging or exploring? A specific pose? Etc.)
    Should I add one of my own characters?: 

    If you’d like to provide specific pose or background reference images, please do!


    Opening 3 slots at a time. If the slots are all full you can ask to be added to a waiting list for when more open.

    1. OPEN

    2. OPEN

    3. OPEN


    Thank you very much for reading and considering! All the money from these goes towards my university tuition fund. 😁

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