PaperDemon Art RPG

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[Art RPG] Talisman challenge

  1. Posted on Jan 24, 2022, 9:24:56 PM UTC
    ID: 38625 | #2
    Level 10

    I'm a bit unclear, having read over this several times but does the Talisman need to be one physical object or can it be a set of closely related objects. Started working on a Talisman that turns the badges into those novelty shaped cookie cutters (like the Christmas tree and star shaped ones) but when looking again because I wanted more inspiration it looks like it's one Talisman per character and that can be read as each Talisman must be one object but doesn't expressly say that.

  2. Posted on Jul 29, 2022, 4:13:33 PM UTC
    ID: 40916 | #3
    Level 1

    Hopper Goat-Rabbit's itums

    1: the ancient book of blood and necro magic

    2: the cloke of dark shadows made by the skin of death itself

    3: the amulent of storage (able to store up to 10 itums includiong but not limit to weppons, clothing/armor, money, equipments, books, etc)

    4: health, energy, spell potions

    5: deathwatch (a mistic indistructable watch that tells the time on when to find and eat the next victum to live and how long before death. all of hoppers species have one)

    6: staff of the otherside ( a magic staff that congers magic from the living and the dead relms)

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