
Open group | 553 Members

The Healing Tree

The Healing Tree is said to be the oldest tree in the world, whose root systems are entangled with all the trees all over the globe, a gift from Nokt and Daius. It is the only tree that is constantly in bloom, no matter what the season.

To heal your Stryx after a hard battle in the Arena, fill out this form...

Stryx Import: 
Healing Image/Lit: (if applicable)
Mash Proofs: (if applicable, otherwise state "Inventory")
Total Healing:

An admin will update your Stryx's health meter.


Click here to learn how to submit Healing Tree Art and lit!

Healing Entry Requirements:
Depict your injured Stryx being cared for either by their rider, or by another Stryx (must depict injuries and a clear scene of nursing their wounds)
Entries should be colored, but do not require a background.
Literature must be at least 500 words.

Healing Tree entries must be counted and logged on your stryx's character sheet before it can be used!


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