
Open group | 555 Members

Semi-custom Rules

DS Semi-custom Rules

Rev. Jan 25 2021


All Semi-Customs

  • Semis may be resold to other players for less than or equal to the original purchase price. They may not be resold for more than the original purchase price.


  • Semi-customs cannot be converted to a semi from an older sale-- only newer.


  • If a player has purchased a semi-custom with specified breed/traits/markings, and the player wants to swap the semi for another semi, the player may exchange that semi for one less than or equal to the purchase price, but never exceeding the original purchase price.


  • If the semi was purchased from a sale with different prices than the current semi prices, the player may exchange that older semi for a new semi reckoned by the current prices, but still may not exceed the original purchase price.


  • Each semi-custom sale has a TOS. If the player wants to exchange their semi for a different one, it still needs to follow the original sale’s TOS. If a certain body type or tier of marking etc. was not available in that sale, the new semi may not be given that body type. The exception to this rule is breeds. Older semis of a given breed may be exchanged for any breed currently reckoned as “Old Guard”.


  • If exchanging a semi-custom results in the new semi being worth less than the old semi, the price difference will NOT be refunded in the form of credit.


  • If the player converts their unused semi into one of lesser value, but then resells it, the buyer may exchange the converted semi into a different semi as long as the new value is equal to the initial sale price. The initial purchase price is the dollar amount used when the semi was first bought from the sale itself. The semi is not limited to the lesser value of the converted semi.

    • For example: Player A purchases a $200 semi. Player A later converts v1 of the semi to v2 valued at $150, but does not use it. Player A then sells it to Player B. Player B may convert v2 to a v3 valued at up to but no more than $200.


  • In the event that a player’s desired semi-custom does not equal up to the amount of the original purchase price, the player may add however many NP (Non Passable) mutations to that semi until the original purchase price is reached.

    • Genetic mutations (Melanism, Harlequin, Chimera, etc) do not qualify as NP mutations.

Semi-Customs Sold During November 2018 or After

  • Semi-customs purchased in the Nov 2018 sale or after may not be broken down for add-ons or unspecified credit. They may not be demised into multiple semis, they must remain as one single semi-custom, but may be exchanged for another semi-custom of equal or lesser value reckoned by the current prices.