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Waddle - Albino Pondwaddle

Companions & Familiars

Waddles are a medium-sized species of piscivorous animal never found far from the edge of the water. Named for the waddling gait their short limbs, large hind paws and plump bellies dispose them to, waddles are often seen sliding downhill on said bellies for speedier travel, and are far more graceful in water than out. These playful, sociable creatures form family groups with affectionate bonds, or can also, given a dearth of other waddles, latch on to other species in their environment, firmly inserting themselves into the lives of their newfound companions. Family knows know bounds of species to a waddle. It helps if the target of their friendliness is amenable to their doting advances, but waddles are immensely tolerant of even the grumpiest adoptees and it takes a downright crab to drive them off.


The albino pondwaddle is a rarity to behold, though not as rare as one might expect. Pondwaddles, know for their affinity for still water, have a high occurence of ablinism compared to other species, perhaps due to their comfort inhabiting the quiet, underground waterways of Wyvera's caverns.


Stryx companion. Can be removed and returned to inventory

  • A better chance of excellent fish when fishing.
  • Doubles chance of finding a companion in any activity.

Bauble Price: N/A

Bauble Resell Value: 500 Baubles


Token Price: N/A

Token Resell Value: N/A


Drops when fishing in a cavern biome


  • Id: 27
  • Added on Dec 9, 2020
  • ✅ Can be sold back to bank
  • ✅ Can be traded
  • ✅ Player can de-equip from approved character

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