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[MYO] Desert Kirin C041

Companions & Familiars

Name: Bouldercrash

Nicknames: Boulder, "Stubborn wether", etc.

Owner: Wildtale 

Assigned Stryx: Rise Falcon 4832

Species: Kirin

Type: Desert

Bonus: Extra boost to Arena Show entries for the Stryx it is assigned to, and +1AP to all art/lit entries for the Stryx it is assigned to, plus another +1AP when drawn in artwork with its assigned Stryx. This bonus only applies to art/lit posted after the date the kirin was equipped.

Description: The hardiest and most elusive of all kirin, Desert Kirin are particularly well adapted to cliff and canyon environments. Despite their bright gold horns and scales, they are usually impossible to spot.


Origin: Jade Ascention Reward

DA Import: https://www.deviantart.com/alphastryx/art/Bouldercrash-C041-811797953

Design byWildtale


  • Id: 772
  • Added on Jun 2, 2021

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