Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members
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MYO 1: Synth

Companions & Familiars

Name: Synth
Species: Synthetic Phin Singer
Owner: RehARPG
Assigned Import: www.deviantart.com/aquella-imp…
Art by: Vrre and RehARPG

Synth was created as a companion for Trellia, doing Maintainance work on her prosthetic as well as being a physical and emotional support companion for her as she still suffers from phantom pain as she lives on. Other than that his job is to weather information about the Sanhocho pod, and all its members, this includes gathering samples and sending them off to headquarters. His main power recourse is solar energy and a filter that turns saltwater into energy. His filter component is stored in his lower belly area while his solar panels are installed inside his pectoral fins, dorsal fins, and tail fins.

- Provides an additional +2SP bonus when drawn with the Aqrion owner.
- Adds +1 SP to all images depicting its owner. (does not need to be drawn)
- 20% Chance to double items found when Exploring.


  • Id: 2040
  • Added on Oct 2, 2023
  • ✅ Can be traded

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