Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 161 Members
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MYO 8: Chester

Companions & Familiars

Name: Chester

Species: Aquatic Cockatrice

Owner:  EmpressAkitla

Assigned Import: Bo

Art by:  EmpressAkitla


A strange creature that Bo befriended when he was young. Of course, at first he attempted to eat Chester, but cockatrices are much hardier and nastier than they first appear to be. If you can’t eat them, befriend them, right? Chester has helped Bo through some dark times in his life and started his fascination with avians.


- Adds +1 SP to all images depicting it's owner. (does not need to be drawn)

- Provides an additional +2SP bonus when drawn with the Aqrion owner.

- Adds a +20 for mutations to occur during breeding.


  • Id: 2047
  • Added on Oct 2, 2023
  • ✅ Can be traded

Crafting Recipes