Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 161 Members
item picture

Podomi [spotted]

Companions & Familiars

Art by Kassuna

These rodents are incredibly active. They, much like kangaroos, have incredible jumping ability and amazing hearing.
Able to locate prey just about anywhere underground they are a fierce hunter with little competition. I wouldn't want to be a beetle with one of these guys around.

- Stats (Agi): Increases Agility by +2
- Successful (Hunting): Adds a +20 to success chance when Hunting.
- Double Items (Hunting): 5% chance to double items found while Hunting.

Can be obtained through Hunting.


  • Id: 2244
  • Added on Dec 1, 2023
  • ✅ Player can de-equip from approved character

Crafting Recipes