Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

✦ Stamp rally

O-o-o-oh-oh! A v-visitor!! (eek!) O-oh! I mean, h-hello, there! Do you have stamp cards for me?

Rambles is at the front desk, flipping through some paperwork - the documents float in front of them, held in the air with psychic energy. There aren't many people in the library at the moment, and those that are there seem to be quietly doing research or deeply engrossed in reading novels.

You notice a row of stamps on Rambles' desk, lined up neatly and in a specific order. There's also a handful of hole-punchers, with different symbols on them.

Looking up from their paperwork, Rambles is a little startled at your presence but stammers out a greeting before asking you if you have any submissions for them. A little light hovers over the stamps and hole-punchers, as if wondering which one you'd choose.

Welcome to the daily stamp rally! Here, you can turn in 'low effort' artwork once a day to get stamps! There is no penalty for missing a day or breaking a streak - just collect as many as you can, and surely something cool will happen in return!

When submitting your work, be sure that it follows the minimum requirements of…
A clean headshot sketch for 2D artwork
100 words for narrative writing
5 lines for screenplay/script
2 verses for poetry
A posed model for 3D artwork

Sprite edits are allowed here!

While you may submit your artwork to Paperdemon, you may also just submit it to an external filehost like filegarden and link it, if you do not wish to clutter your gallery. To do this, you can create a single placeholder submission, and then paste the URL in the form.

All submissions must be created solely for the stamp rally! You cannot double submit something that was submitted to non-challenge to a prompt.


  • 1 stamp rally punchcard entry
  • Flat-rate of 100 EXP
  • 10 punchcards = evo item, 150 poke, or a 5-star train ticket