Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

Colossal Plants

Choo choo!

☀ Forecast

Very humid

This isn't any old jungle - it's huge! Berries the size of footballs, trees and stems that tower into the clouds above... combined with all the extra humidity these massive plants trap, its surely a locale prime for adventure!

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Danger level: Yellow
It's like a jungle out here... but big!

Potential encounters:

Metapod Metapod
Butterfree Butterfree
Kakuna Kakuna
Beedrill Beedrill
Arbok arbok
Clefairy clefairy
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff
Oddish Oddish
Gloom Gloom
Paras Paras
Parasect parasect
Venonat Venonat
Venomoth Venomoth
Bellsprout Bellsprout
Weepinbell Weepinbell
Gastly gastly
Haunter Haunter
Exeggcute Exeggcute
Exeggutor Exeggutor
Koffing Koffing
Weezing Weezing
Chansey Chansey
Kangaskhan Kangaskhan
Scyther Scyther
Pinsir Pinsir
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Noctowl Noctowl
Ledyba Ledyba
Ledian Ledian
Spinarak Spinarak
Ariados Ariados
Bellossom Bellosom
Hoppip Hoppip
Skiploom Skiploom
Sunkern Sunkern
Girafarig Girafarig
Pineco Pineco
Forretress Forretress
Silcoon Silcoon
Cascoon Cascoon
Lombre Lombre
Masquerain Masquerain
Breloom Breloom
Vigoroth Vigoroth
Ninjask Ninjask
Swablu Swablu
Zangoose zangoose
Seviper Seviper
Tropius Tropius
Wynaut Wynaut
Kricketune Kricketune
Wormadam Wormadam
Mothim Mothim
Vespiquen Vespiquen
Cherrim Cherrim
Sawsbuck Sawsbuck
Amoonguss Amoonguss
Dewpider Dewpider
Araquanid Araquanid
Morelull Morelull
Shiinotic Shiinotic
Bounsweet Bounsweet
Comfey Comfey
Oranguru Oranguru
Passimian Passimian
Komala Komala
Eldegoss Eldegoss

Thanks to PokemonDB for providing and hosting these images!

Welcome to the dungeon! Show your mettle against mystery by creating something with your pokemon in a certain environment, with unique optional plot hooks on every visit!

To get started, be sure you have a boarding pass for this dungeon – if you don’t have one, be sure to grab one, as the number and party leader pokemon bound to it are required during submission!

When submitting your work, be sure that it follows the minimum requirements of…
A shaded fullbody and simple background for 2D artwork
1000 words for narrative writing
2.5 standard-format pages for screenplay/script
6 verses for poetry
A posed model interacting with the environment or another pokemon for 3D artwork

For all mediums, the submission itself should include the pokemon interacting with the dungeon’s environment, or the scenarios detailed in the ticket. The party leader pokemon must be present in the submission, but does not have to be the focus.

When you’re finished, submit your piece to PaperDemon and then submit your entry below!

Leave the EXP points blank for the characters you’re including – and for courtesy towards the queue review staff, paste and fill out the applicable form in the request details text box!


  • Recruit roll based off of your ticket
  • 5 random items from the dungeon’s loot pool
  • 100 additional poke

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