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Nommy's Nomporium (Inventory)

This page is for showing the possible items in Nommy’s Travelling Nomporium. The Nomporium is a travelling shop with a changing inventory but always offering them at a discount. Nommy’s shop can stock any item in the game at a discount but can also offer items only Nommy will stock like unique traits.

Unique Sweet Traits

Buy these traits to get them on your Nom.

Kohakutou Gems

This candy starts as an Agar based gummy candy that is cut and left out to dry. This causes the gummy’s sugar to crystalize and create a glassy outer crust. They’re like gummies with a crunch.

Rock Candy

Sticks or string are dipped into a very sugary water where it crystalizes giving the appearance of quartz.


A special kind of rock candy made with a different technique resulting in row and bubbly crystals.

Waffle Cones

Not actually waffles, just look like it. These commonly grow as horns, claws, or spines on Noms.

Chocolate Chips

Isn’t weird how not many Noms have Chocolate traits? I think it’s because people prefer to eat it than build with it.


Unique Sour Traits


Thanks to the wonders of Gastronomy we’ve learned how to turn any liquid to bubbles with spherification. Do I know how it works? No clue.

Gummi Shapes

Hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons, pots of gold and… My lawyer has advised against me finishing the lyrics.

Gummi Shark Tail

Noms have conquered the land and air, this trait was an attempt to conquer the sea. Instead they start to dissolve and that’s scary.

Gummi Fins

Gummi Shark fins to help you cut through all that water*.

*It is not recommended for Noms to swim as they may dissolve or become mushy.


Unique Savory Traits


Salty, savory, truly an unbeatable snack.

Corn Dog Tail

The tip of your tail is host to a fair staple, a delicious meat tube battered and fried.

Tail Tempura

Your Nom’s tail is deep fried to crunchy perfection.