
Open group | 208 Members

1. Your First Submission

In order to play Nomcromancy you need to submit art, I'll be adding writing submission support soon. So let's teach you how to submit art! First, let's submit your reference sheet. Once we submit your reference sheet we can add it to your character sheet and then we can make a much prettier headshot or bust for your character and profile picture!


For a video version of this guide watch here.


Step 1: Click profile picture at the top right, click submit/manage submissions, then click "New Art".


Step 2: This is the gallery info, you'll fill this out to put the art in the Gallery regardless of whether you choose to submit to an event. Click "Choose Image", then select your Reference Image from your device's files.


Step 3: In the empty box next to "Title", title your image "Character Name Ref Sheet" where character name is the name of your Nomling. Whenever you submit art you'll title it however you want.


Step 4: Under "Maturity Rating" click Non-mature. You're allowed to make NSFW content of your characters but please don't post that art to Nomcromancy. The 18+ rating is only for the use of Candy Gore, Sparkle Gore, and other non-blood gore art.


Step 5: Under tags put "#refsheet" and your character designation. This is a hashtag followed by "om" and a number next to your character's name on their sheet. For example, the test character "Beetle Grumbletum" has a character designation of #om1. This designation being tagged in submissions means it will show on your character sheet at the bottom. In the future you'll use other tags, and if you ever post Candy Gore you'll use the Candy Gore tag.


Step 6: In the box "Description" you can put a description of the art and any info you want. This is a rich text editor so you can even make it fancy.


Step 7: Click "Constructive Critique requested" if you want some input from other artists. Then leave the boxes below that as is. If you untick the boxes it will effect whether people can see your ref. You want this visible so you can get gift art! Now click submit.


Step 8: A new window will appear, click "Add To Art RPG Queue", then click Nomcromancy, then click "Submit" on the event "Non-Event Art". 


Step 9: Now you're on the submission form. This is the last part, promise. The image you just put into the gallery will be here and selected already so scroll down a bit to "Comments & Request Details" this part seems a little complicated but after you submit a couple pieces you'll see why it's like this and how efficient it really is. This section is a checklist and also tells you how much each thing you do is worth. First, next to Art Medium type whether your submission is "Traditional" physical art or "Digital" art that is made with a computer. 


Next we go onto the checklist, here you'll simply respond "Y" for Yes or "N" for No. Type yes or no to each object based on whether or not you drew that thing. Since you did a reference sheet this is what your's should look like:


Art Medium: (Traditional, Digital)


Yes Or No

Amount Shown
Headshot [1/5]: y
Bust [2/10]: y
Waist Up [3/15]: y
Thigh Up [4/20]: y
Fullbody [5/25]: Y 

You only get reward for the lowest possible option here. So you only get the fullbody reward.


Amount Of Detail
Lined or Sketch [1/5]: Y
Color [1/5]: Y
Shaded [1/5]: N (Reference images shouldn't be shaded, it makes it hard to pull colors)
Simple Background [1/5]: Y (You most likely didn't do much with the background besides a pattern or flat color)
Detailed Background [2/10]: N


Special Situations
Gift Art [3/15]: N
Animated [5/25]: N
3d [5/25]: N (Unless you actually made it in Blender, in which case, WOW.)


Character total [multiply your totals by the number here]: 1


Mote Estimate: (We go over these next.)
EXP Estimate:


Step 10: Now we total up how much EXP and Motes the art is worth. Next to each object is Brackets the squared parentheses, and in each is a number. This number is the Motes. The EXP value is always five times the amount. Feel free to use a calculator while we do this, it's not homework so you don't need to show your work either. 


The things you said yes to were: Fullbody, Lined, Color, Simple BG, and 1 character.

Fullbody is worth 5 motes and 25 exp.

Lined is worth 1 and 5. Same with color and bg.


So 5+1+1+1=8 motes and 25+5+5+5=40. So in Mote Estimate we put 8, and in EXP we put 40. 


Step 11: Now we click the box under "Character Search" we'll type the name of your character and select yours. Under it click the points box and input that 40 from earlier. Points are EXP, the name is Points in PD's code. Now click submit and you're done.


Now you just wait for it to be finished and when you're done you'll get your rewards! You'll see your motes at the top right of the page, and your exp on your character page.