
Open group | 208 Members

Basic Spirit: Sheep


Calm, fluffy, and bringers of sleep. Sheep are the spirits of artists, creatives, and those prone to dream. But their calm and trusting nature makes them bad at picking healthy relationships for them. A wolf in sheep's clothing looks like a sheep to sheep. (Wormsyrup)


Common Traits



Fluffy threads so soft you'd swear they're made of clouds.


Sheep Tail

Sheep tails can be long, which would be close to average tail length but fluffy, or a short docked nub.



For the tippity tappity and clackity.


Nub Horns

They're little short cones that sit on the head.


Sheep Ears

Big bean shaped ears.




Spiral Horns

Horns that grow long enough they begin to coil and spiral.


Sparkle Hooves/Horns

Made of a glossy material with a sparkley effect like sequins or glitter.


Y Nose

Because you need it to smell.


Big Droop Ears

Long ears too heavy to stay up, they look like big empty socks.




Sleepy Bubbles

Sheep are so full of sleepy juice that they give off bubbles around their body or on it.


Gem Hooves/Horns

Horns that have the appearance of cut gems.



Stardust gets caught in your wool.


Cosmic Horns

Transparent horns filled with a swirly whirly multicolor liquid that has the appearance of deep space.