
Open group | 208 Members

Basic Spirit: Dog

Domestic Canine (Dog)

Thoughtful, Loyal, will do anything it takes to make you smell. They'll make friend out of even the biggest grouches. Their loyalty can be a weakness too as they can be taken advantage of repeatedly and still trust the butthead. (Elkwarden)




Dog Ears

Any variety of ear found amongst domestic canines is ok.


Dog Tails

Dogs come in so many kinds and so do their tails. Long, short, nubs, whippy, fluffy, curly, you name it.


Dog Nose

For the sniffity and snoffity.


Rope Tail

Is this even a tail? The tail of your Mera looks like a braided rope and the spirit hangs on the end by their teeth.




Tongue Always Out

Makes them look really dumb, but in like the cute way.


Squeaky Beans

Your toe beans are made of squeaky toy materials and with all sorts of patterns. They can squeak when you walk too.


Squeaky Toy Growth

I don't think it's a growth so much as your spirit is hiding them in you.


Winter Coat

Beyond fluffy, you'd pass for Big Foot.





Your body grows bones on the outside.


All Dogs Go To Heaven

Small angelic like wings.


All Dogs Go To Heaven 2

A halo.