PaperDemon Art RPG

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  1. Posted on Jan 3, 2008, 1:39:06 AM UTC
    ID: 20513 | #1
    Level 41

    anybody know a good site to find a boyfriend on? besides myspace*shudder*(it will kill me someday) I need someplace to find someone in my area who is single and looking for love. I'm serious, I really need someone. ps- i'm a straight girl

  2. Posted on Jan 3, 2008, 3:09:31 AM UTC
    ID: 20514 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    There's no "best way". IT may just be your approach. Get a good friend to rate your tactics. You may come across as desperate. Also, go to places where you'll find like minded people. I've been in Scouting since I was 10. I'm 25 now, with alot of respect, and am now g/f with one of the guys in our Rover Scout group. He's a real sweet heart, and is a lovely guy :) I didn't think there was anyone out there for me, but really, if you be yourself, that does you better credit than playing it out. This is to say, guys don't like a girl who is too.... blokey... Just relax and be yourself :)

  3. Posted on Jan 3, 2008, 4:32:13 AM UTC
    ID: 20515 | #3
    Level 21

    Silly girl, Myspace is for pedos! :D

    The only way to find a bf is to go to places you like (online or irl) and talk to people you might like. :D

  4. Posted on Jan 9, 2008, 2:08:49 AM UTC
    ID: 20562 | #4
    Level 5

    Go hang out with groups of people who share your interests. Even if you don't meet a mate immediately, you'll find you aren't as lonely. You'll have a better chance of finding someone who is actually right for you than if you settled for whoever you could find on a dating site.

    I don't think dating frantically actually increases your chances of finding someone. It just makes you feel like you're keeping busy. ;

  5. Posted on Jan 9, 2008, 4:17:11 PM UTC
    ID: 20564 | #5
    Level 21

    On Jan 8, 2008 6:08 pm, Indefatigable42 said:

    I don't think dating frantically actually increases your chances of finding someone. It just makes you feel like you're keeping busy. ;


    I have to say I agree with this statement

    You can go on 1000 dates and nt get a thing, but go on 1 lil outing ,make a friend, then later on the relationship grows.

  6. Posted on Jan 15, 2008, 3:20:29 AM UTC
    ID: 20600 | #6
    Level 41

    thanks for the support guys. unfortunately for me, the only way to meet new people is the internet. my town is just too small. 3,295 just isn't very condusive to meeting new people. plus, I'm related to more than half. really. I'm not kidding.

    anyway, the encoragement does help alot. I've got a guy I'm interested in, I just need to find out whether he's dating someone right now or not. my last interest was already taken and I embarrassed myself pretty badly with that whole affair. not wanting to make that mistake again. I also heard that when guys are interested in you, they tease you alot. I get alot of teasing and I'm pretty good at playing it off and joking around with them, but so far no dates. Its soooo confusing. men say women are the complicated ones. uggghh.

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