PaperDemon Art RPG

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"Add to ARPG Queue" won't load

  1. Posted on Apr 9, 2021, 2:36:26 PM UTC
    ID: 34035 | #1
    Level 28
    Hi, i'm fairly new here , so i'm really sorry to be a bother. I tried adding a picture to the ARPG Queue for the "Talisman challenge" Like it was shown in the instructions in the wiki.My Problem is that the site just won't load after i clicked the Add to ARPG Queue button.It just tells me that information about the queue gets loaded but it never actually does. (I tried it on my PC and my phone)I'm just wondering if i did something wrong.
  2. Posted on Apr 10, 2021, 12:07:47 AM UTC
    ID: 34047 | #3
    Level 281 ADMIN
    Njirri what operating system and browser are you using?One other user reported this issue but I don't have enough details to reproduce the problem.
  3. Posted on Apr 10, 2021, 9:33:11 PM UTC
    ID: 34066 | #5
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Hi Njirre. THe issue has now been fixed. Please reload and you should be able to add to queues now. Thanks for reporting the issue!

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