PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1304 Members

Comepleting apprenticeship tutorial

  1. Posted on Mar 18, 2024, 11:40:22 PM UTC
    ID: 47025 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    Hey there Marcy- I can see why they haven't been approved. They haven't been submitted to the ARPG queue, and tagged with your character yet. I've deleted the double up art for you as you dont' need to resubmit it to add it to the queue :)


    In the inn, there's a tab for the PDARPG Apprentiship Tutorial. You've done step 1- create a new character a few times, so you've figured that step out no issues :)


    You want to click the tab you want to submit a post to- one of them was a boss battle, right? Click the "First Battle" tab, and click "Start 3 Your first Battle", and follow the instructions. Youi'll be asked at some point to tag your character, so be sure that you search for your character (and any other characters in the image!) and tag them. This will put your art into that character's gallery if you do it correctly, and put it in a queue for a moderator to assess.


    If you want to check and see if it's submitted correctly, go to the submission, and click "ARPG Queue history". If your post is submitted correctly will show up here, with all the characters in the picture listed. If it's not, and you need help, then please feel free to give us a poke and we'll walk you through it :)

  2. Posted on Mar 18, 2024, 11:46:13 PM UTC
    ID: 47026 | #3
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN


    When it's approved, you'll get a notification, and the AP reward for that submission will show on the page in this sort of format, so it wont be confusing at all if you've tagged your character correctly :) I hope this all helps!

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