PaperDemon Art RPG

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Suggestions for improving the forums

  1. Posted on Mar 2, 2024, 8:32:46 AM UTC
    ID: 46707 | #1
    Level 281 ADMIN

    We're collecting feedback on how we can improve the forums to make it better for RP and community interaction. Please share your input here!

  2. Posted on Mar 2, 2024, 7:18:12 PM UTC
    ID: 46714 | #2
    Level 52

    Not sure if this is planned but I would love if the chat in the inn had like little indicators showing which chat has new messages. Like maybe a red dot or sparkle or "New!" next to the chat. Or maybe the chat link would be in a different color.

    I also wonder if there was a way to make it more obvious that there are multiple chats. I think some people don't realize there are multiple chats since they don't think to click on "Main Chat" to bring the drop down menu down. I'm not sure how it can be made more obvious. Maybe have it like discord where the chats are shown as a small list on the side. Or maybe they could be like browser tabs where the different chats could fill the bar where Main Chat is. You could flip through chats like they were tabs. Or maybe there's another better idea I don't know about. I guess on mobile you'd have to keep it a drop down since it might get cluttered... 

    Last edited by arobeans on Mar 2, 2024, 7:19:58 PM UTC. 2 total edits.

  3. Posted on Mar 2, 2024, 8:03:31 PM UTC
    ID: 46715 | #3
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Thank you for the feedback arobeans.

    • Your request for notifications for chat are noted. I'll work on those
    • I have a fix prepped to make navigating the chat a little easier but i'll see if i can add tabs on the side on desktop. i was trying to optimize for mobile initially. i'll file a task to improve this. thank you!
  4. Posted on Mar 3, 2024, 1:17:03 AM UTC
    ID: 46719 | #4
    Level 16

    i think i may have shared these in the discord server, but echoing here for posterity;

    • on a 1920x1080 monitor, the main forums page takes a while to scroll down. while i think the large text size/padding amount is good for readability, it also makes parsing all the forums less intuitive (if that's the right word for it?). its definitely a tradeoff though!
    • maybe to be included at the top of the main forums page - newest forum activity, the user's subscriptions, maybe the possibility to subscribe categories as 'quick access'/favorites? so like, if i wanted to go straight to the 'making connections' forum category or see all the recent threads in only the making connections category, i could do that

    edit after some browsing:

    • perhaps there could be some revision done / clarity made on forum rules to make them easily accessible? the rules thread i found in general mentioned warning if your thread wasn't safe for those running on dial-up, so i figure some freshening up is due (though that did make me chuckle in a good way! takes me back)
    • general cleanup / archival could also maybe be helpful for old old old threads, to prevent necroposting/confused people

    Last edited by zinnia on Mar 3, 2024, 1:21:55 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

  5. Posted on Mar 3, 2024, 6:08:37 AM UTC
    ID: 46720 | #5
    Level 281 ADMIN

    lol there's a post referencing dial up huh? I guess our site is showing its age.

    1. I'll condense the forum UI. I'm almost done with some work to move each game's forums to their own game pages so that will also help with the long scroll issue. (e.g. Dracostryx forums will move to the Dracostryx group page.
    2. We're going to be updating the subscription page to separate out forum subscriptions from other subscriptions which should make things easier. I'll see if i can group similar notifications together. We also had a request for bookmarks from another user as well. I think this is especially useful for RP so people have quick access to their active RP threads. I'd love more information on this idea, especially if you have screenshots of other sites that do something similar to what you describe.
    3. I will update the forums homepage with a link to our rules. Thank you!
    4. Yep we definitely need some cleanup. I'll get started on that and see if i can recruit some mods to help me.


  6. Posted on Mar 3, 2024, 5:17:08 PM UTC
    ID: 46738 | #7
    Level 281 ADMIN

    That's a great idea. I'm working on adding that where premium account holders can post as their characters. Just like in the inn chat

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