PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1356 Members
item picture

Guild Night #1



This item is a ticket granting your character access to Guild Night. 

Guild night #1 takes place the following dates. Please make sure you are avialable both nights before purchasing your tickets.

Jun 3, 4pm-8pm PST | Jun 10, 4pm-8pm PST


Instructions for use

  1. You must equip it to the character you intend to use for Guild Night. Visit your character sheet for the character you want to RP with for the event. Choose [Equip Item] and search for "Guild Night #1" and equip the item.
  2. Follow the registration instructions on the Guild Night Event


Credits: Plot Shyftlock, Art BogusRed


  • Id: 1870
  • Added on May 4, 2023
  • ✅ Player can equip to approved character

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