Tales from Equestria

Open group | 170 Members

01. Terms of Service & Moderator's Pledge

Tales from Equestria Terms of Service


1. All group content must fit a PG-13 rating.

2. All individuals must be treated with respect. Harassment or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Please report any incidents to moderators immediately. 

3. Do not use or depict another player's character without permission. This includes using or depicting a character in a manner the player did not agree with ahead of time.

4. All submissions must be your own art or writing, with the exception of reference images, which may use free-to-use bases. No tracing or art/design theft is permitted in any form.

5. You may not use art or writing for official submissions here and in another group simultaniously. 

6. PaperDemon's Community Guidelines must be followed at all times.



Moderator Pledge


1. All moderators will work in the best interest of the group and its members as a whole. Evidence of prejudice or favoritism will be cause for dismissal. 

2. All group related work will be completed in a timely manner, barring real-life obstacles.

3. All NPCs belong to the group, not individual moderators.

4. Time-sensitive group related work shall always be prioritzed over personal group submissions.