Tales from Equestria

Open group | 173 Members

December Event Part 1: The Risk of Hope

December Event Part 1: The Risk of Hope


Everypony set up camp at the frozen village. While they did not hesitate to use the frozen buildings as barriers to the wind, many avoided the frozen figures scattered like statues in a grim garden. For many it brought back memories of the infection that had spread in the Crystal Empire. To see that wild magic taking over creatures to the point of their own demise, even way out here, was sobering and heavy. 


Jade Castor was spitting mad. Here was the reason for their problems, so it was clear they needed to go. These corrupted reindeer needed to be banished as far as necessary to stop the freezing of Equestria. Yet Sword Dancer refused to make the obvious decision without consulting Princess Dawn Bringer! It took him hours to set up a communication spell at this distance with the artifacts that had been light enough to come with them. Time wasted, he seethed. Even once the spell was set, it was a waiting game. Dawn Bringer summoned Golden Sage and  her whole Council of Friendship to attend the meeting.


“With all due respect, your Highness, we are risking everypony in Equestria’s lives with these needless delays. These reindeer have openly admitted to being the cause and to having no control! What more is there to do then to send them away at the very best?” Jade Castor stomped his hoof in front of the large opalescent orb they were consulting for the communication spell. The tent they took shelter in was small, so Sword Dancer had asked most ponies to wait outside or in other shelters. Through the orb Dawn Bringer could be seen most clearly, but  Golden Sage and the Council were there as well in the background.


“We were able to help those in the Crystal Empire with their control,” Golden Sage protested.


Jade Castor’s glower only deepened. “Barely! And you did so because they had no knowledge it was something they could control or channel. These reindeer are quite aware that the power is theirs, but they have yet to bring the magic to heel. You have nothing to offer them! The longer we wait, the more ponies freeze. How is it fair to put their dubious potential for control over the lives of those uninvolved?”


“Every life is precious and should be respected,” Dawn Bringer stated after a pause. Her expression was grim. “I agree that more may be needed then what was done in the Crystal Empire. If that is not something we can offer currently, we may need to ensure the safety of as many as possible in the interim.” She shifted her gaze to Golden Sage in a silent offer for her to speak, if there was any solution she saw that they could not.


Golden Sage was quiet for a long moment.  Her ears were pulled back against her head and her gaze was distant and troubled. By what they might have to do? Or by something else? Finally she let out a long, heavy breath through her nose and met Dawn Bringer’s gaze. “I myself may not be able to help them, but I know someone who could. The Herd of the Heart.”

Confusion passed between members of the Council and even Jade Castor seemed baffled. 


Dawn Bringer did not look away nor blink. “The Heart of the Everfree Forest has always preferred privacy and isolation. You think they would even speak to us?”


“I cannot make guarantees, but is it not worth the attempt? Sending them away will only delay the problem…Wild Magic is not going anywhere and we will run into another situation like this again sooner or later,” Golden Sage murmured.


Jade Castor harrumphed in distaste. It was clear he would like to continue to hope Wild Magic could be eliminated in some capacity. 


Dawn Bringer sighed, looking weary. “We will send Golden Sage and some others to the Everfree Forest and hope the herd lets themselves be found. If it takes too long, though, or if the Heart refuses aid, we’ll have to start escorting the reindeer elsewhere.”




Prompt: There are multiple tasks that characters may take part in, but please keep in mind that your character cannot be in two places at once!


Characters in the north with the reindeer may…

  • Help care for the remaining reindeer, who are tired, injured, hungry, and frightened.
  • Scout for banishment locations if it becomes necessary.
  • Guard the reindeer from any attempts to escape/flee.


Characters in the south may investigate the Everfree Forest and try to make contact with the deer herd that lives there. They may run into…

  • Dangerous wild-magic influenced creatures
  • Confusing and magical foliage
  • Combative, fearful, or reclusive deer who see characters as intruders


All entries are due by 11:59 PM EST on December 31st!