Transaction 27890

Game: Dracostryx

Date: Nov 22, 2022, 12:12:18 AM

Initiated/Processed by Alriandi


Swapping the individual items to the set. Effects are the same, just say you have the set in the next arena battles

Game activity

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Battle Tack Set - 1 Withdrawal
Battle Bracers + 1 Deposit
Battle Gauntlets + 1 Deposit
Battle Helm + 1 Deposit
Battle Saddle + 1 Deposit

Crowley 7680

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Battle Tack Set + 1 Deposit
Battle Bracers - 1 Withdrawal
Battle Gauntlets - 1 Withdrawal
Battle Helm - 1 Withdrawal
Battle Saddle - 1 Withdrawal

Print this receipt for your records.