Transaction 37426

Game: Dracostryx

Date: Mar 9, 2023, 11:54:16 AM

Initiated/Processed by Shyftlock


February Ascended Ko-Fi supporter Rewards. You have $20 in store credit. Contact Shyftlock or Gar-a-ash to use it!

Game activity

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Mystery Bag - Rare - 1 Withdrawal
Tier 3 Starter Slot - 1 Withdrawal
Token - 2 Withdrawal
Ginger Stryx Cookie [100HP] - 1 Withdrawal
Daius Prayer Candles - 2 Withdrawal

Player: MaxTheOxymoron

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Mystery Bag - Rare + 1 Deposit
Tier 3 Starter Slot + 1 Deposit
Token + 2 Deposit
Ginger Stryx Cookie [100HP] + 1 Deposit
Daius Prayer Candles + 2 Deposit

Print this receipt for your records.