Transaction 48924

Game: Dracostryx

Date: Aug 12, 2023, 5:13:10 PM

Initiated/Processed by Shavahiivallah


AR Roll for Haunted Woods Weekly (last year's).

You've been combing through this spooky forest for what seems like days, hunting for elusive luminous Wisps. It's easy to mistake a lightning bug's glow for that of a Wisp, so in the process you've managed to capture x14 Fireflies!

A group of fireflies has taken a liking to your stryx and follows them home. You receive x2 Fireflies Decor!

In addition to your catch of cheerfully glowing insects, you managed to catch x2 Owl Wisps, x1 Raven Wisp and x1 Stag Wisp.

As you and your stryx make your way out of the forest with your catch you spot another flash of light. A set of shining eyes peer out at you from the darkness. The light of the fireflies and wisps have attracted a Golden Anaruq who has decided to follow you home!

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Game activity

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Firefly - 14 Withdrawal
Import Décor - Fireflies - 2 Withdrawal
Wisp - Owl - 2 Withdrawal
Wisp - Raven - 1 Withdrawal
Wisp - Stag - 1 Withdrawal
Anaruq - Golden - 1 Withdrawal

Player: SilveryStormWing

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Firefly + 14 Deposit
Import Décor - Fireflies + 2 Deposit
Wisp - Owl + 2 Deposit
Wisp - Raven + 1 Deposit
Wisp - Stag + 1 Deposit
Anaruq - Golden + 1 Deposit

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