Transaction 85176

Game: PaperDemon Art RPG

Date: Mar 26, 2024, 9:48:29 PM

Initiated/Processed by shona


PDARPG Activity Rewards | Submission: Is that a Dog? | Art id: 83232 | Activity name: The Ruined Kingdom

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Game activity

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Magnetite - 1 Withdrawal
Narwhal Sushi - 1 Withdrawal
Gold - 17 Withdrawal
Eirshale Dust - 1 Withdrawal
Ruined Kingdom Portal Badge - 1 Withdrawal

Player: Preflix

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Magnetite + 1 Deposit
Narwhal Sushi + 1 Deposit
Gold + 17 Deposit
Eirshale Dust + 1 Deposit

Kae 4669

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Ruined Kingdom Portal Badge + 1 Deposit

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