Transaction 9719

Game: Dracostryx

Date: Nov 21, 2021, 9:05:51 PM

Initiated/Processed by DemonBird6744


DA import transfer

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Game activity

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Ascension Tier - Alpha - 1 Withdrawal
Basic Training Trophy - 1 Withdrawal
Razorbeak Trophy - 1 Withdrawal
Eye of Galyx Stone - 1 Withdrawal
Slygryph - Snowy - 1 Withdrawal
Battle Helm - 1 Withdrawal
Battle Saddle - 1 Withdrawal
Breath Stone - Shadow - 1 Withdrawal

Marengo [Released] 6303

ImageItem NameQuantityTransaction type
Ascension Tier - Alpha + 1 Deposit
Basic Training Trophy + 1 Deposit
Razorbeak Trophy + 1 Deposit
Eye of Galyx Stone + 1 Deposit
Slygryph - Snowy + 1 Deposit
Battle Helm + 1 Deposit
Battle Saddle + 1 Deposit
Breath Stone - Shadow + 1 Deposit

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