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  • Puberty; A Mental Illness.

    May 3, 2013, 8:40:12 PM | 1 minutes


    Are you often feeling like you lack energy? Do you feel frustrated, misunderstood, and do you sometimes have mood swings? Big chance you’re suffering from PUBERTY.

    This life-altering disease will change your outlook on life forever. no longer will the world be as easy as your ordinary Dora-cartoon. People turned less trustworthy, society more demanding, the world is a scarier place and you can’t even trust any adult company in your life with it because they will tell you.. it’s just puberty. Because nowadays “ puberty” seems to be a different word for “insane and not trustworthy whatsoever.”


    In my definition, puberty is when your childhood ends and adulthood comes banging at the door like an angry pizza guy (before you paid and after you slammed the door closed) and drags you into the real world, kicking and screaming. Geez, no wonder we’re so annoying all the time :/


    And then there’s Alfred North Whitehead, telling us about youth: “ The deepest definition of youth is life as yet untouched by tragedy.”

    Something which roughly ends in puberty. I mean come on; pimples, getting over-emotional, a libido going in overdrive..

    Plus people expecting you to act all grown up suddenly. One thing at the time, please.

  • why Bigger Needs Is Bigger Deeds has nothing to do with bad porn.

    Apr 22, 2013, 10:14:38 AM | 2 minutes

    Bigger Needs Is Bigger Deeds. this wisdom came to me while I was running buttnaked out of the shower through the hall- which unconveniently has a big window with sneaky neighbours looking in.
    yes, sometimes I feel like the biggest star in the comedy called My Less-Than-Cosy-Life. Especially when the boiler is having a bitch day and you dont have any hot water, so you have to wait till your stepdad comes home to mess around with it. funny how wisdom comes and goes.
    aside from the unconvenient timing, the truth of these words did strike me like LSD to Raoul Duke; The bigger the need for something, the more we are willing to sacrifice to furfill that need. thats why drugs are so addictive, they never fully furfill the need, so you can only crave.
    its also why there are people "living the dream" (American or others) have sacrificed the most. think Hunter Thompson, Roman Polanski or even Johnny Depp; they all suffered in some way and sacrificed enough to become what they are today.

    this brings me to the next topic: why utter happiness is not a very healthy thing to strive for. it sounds unhealthy by itsself, but let me assure you that I dont have any massochistic tendencies. not yet. Its just the idea of being perfectly happy that might destroy everything you have. Bigger Needs Is Bigger Deeds, after all, and this rule is dangerous when applied to something as dangerous as perfection. the point of life, of Darwin, and therefor all living creatures, is that they are NOT perfect. thats why we still fall in love and (if you're female) keep wanting to pop a baby out of your womb. because you strive for better with every generation. the day when utter perfection is reached, all of humanity will shivel up and die.

    but thats just my prediction.
    happy another day of imperfection.