Written campaign entries - Arcus: Eventide Ring, ch1 - walled in - 808 words

Published Feb 11, 2022, 8:55:14 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 14, 2022, 10:25:00 PM | Total Chapters 2

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For now only the Eventide Ring

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Chapter NaN: Eventide Ring, ch1 - walled in - 808 words

The Eventide Ring Campaign

chapter 1

Prompt #2 - Qilen

808 words


"I do believe you may have something of mine."


The elf's back slammed against the alley's brick wall, the impact sending all air out of his lungs. Gravity pulled him downwards, but not quite enough - he could barely stand on his toes, as a pure white forearm held him against the wall by his neck. He did not expect such a violent outburst. Qilen's eyes darted on the creature's blank face. It did not make a move. An unsheathed knife in its lifted hand was as steady as it could ever be, even unnaturally so. His half-attempt of a squirm was met with a tightened grip, as his shoulder blades started to press painfully into the wall. He swallowed.

   "There's no need for that", Qilen noted with a calm voice, with a slight tremble underneath. He wasn't sure how to handle such a... thing. His curiosity of a new acquaintance was effectively buried underneath of uncertainty about being sliced. The elf's eyes widened in terror, and his lips drew a straight line as the creature's blank face started to shift in color.


   Arcus felt her whole body tense up in rage. There's no need? Her grip on the knife tightened. NO NEED? Her entire face screen shifted into a bright, screaming red - she could see the color projected right on the elf's face. How was there not? The wyfex's body started to slowly tremble - in anticipation for release. First this wretch steals FROM HER, and claims there is NO NEED? She needed that money more than him! She- Arcus' head twitched to the side as she tried to hold herself together. Her body was like a winded up spring - and she knew she wouldn't be powerful enough to keep it from bursting up.

   She was never good with words - she spoke through actions, and mostly violence. She knew she had no words for this one - she never had. Only her emotions ran rampant, and she wasn't able to keep them caged. She had learned to keep herself calm, keep the fear down, keep her face blank in face of mortal danger.

   But she never learned to hold back her fury. If anything, it was a powerful tool on the field. She knew how to work through it, and with it, to mold it to her needs - but not without it. There was no rule that prohibited its head from lifting. It was an unchained beast, and no one would be willing to capture it.

   Still - she knew how this would end if she would let it consume her. This wasn't a battlefield - she was supposed to stay hidden. No - no bloodshed.


   No matter how much Icarus would try to turn her head. She wasn't an executioner.


   It was like a latch on a mousetrap. Her body unwound itself through a sequence of thoughtless actions, the only goal being to keep the poor elf from meeting his demise. A metallic groan in her throat became an unnatural, static-ridden, electronic roar as Arcus hurled her knife forward in her hand. The aggressive movement pulled back her other arm, letting Qilen fall to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. The blade hit the wall, bending and wailing - and ultimately snapping, shattering into multiple pieces under the force of the impact. The elf quickly crawled further away, as the wyfex collapsed to the ground, sliding against the brick wall, scraping it with her broken blade all the way down.


   The elf waited, silently, patiently. It didn't take long for the wyfex to get herself back together. She took a deep, breathless breath into her mechanic lungs, holding it for a moment. She stumbled up, haphazardly swiping off the dust on her knees. She noticed the pondering look on Qilen's face.

   "Ah", he finally opened his mouth. "I could very much use someone of your skills." He didn't get a chance to continue, as Arcus raised her blade once again against him, this time on the end of a reached out arm. The elf's eyes narrowed.

   "I don't think you can do much with that", he commented on the shape of the knife. The wyfex shrugged swiftly.

   "Still sharp enough", she jabbed back with a flat tone. It clearly made the man uncomfortable. He couldn't see it, but he could hear a sneer from the wyfex.

   "Still", Arcus began a sentence, tucking the broken blade into its sheath on her hip. She crossed her arms and straightened her posture. "You owe me what you spent."

   Qilen did not respond, but clearly seemed to understand what she was after. It was obvious, after all.

   "And a new knife."

   "I did not-" The elf decided not to finish the argument as he saw the other tensing up - while somewhat playful in demeanor, he had learned his lesson for today.


   Do not anger a wyfex.

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