her Heart aflame: electric flavor - 507 words

Published Feb 11, 2023, 5:04:23 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 11, 2023, 5:04:23 PM | Total Chapters 3

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Chapter NaN: electric flavor - 507 words

Legacy system repost, Aug 10th, 2021, already rolled; Arcus musing about her favorite food, or the lack of it.


"Food. Huh. Never though I'd come across that thought. I don't. Eat, that is. I don't need to. Don't even have a mouth. Something's that included in the deal of being a Wyfex and all. I don't have a digestive system, or I think I don't have. If I do, it's not used for anything. Can't remember how much I've gotten replaced, honestly.


"Electricity is something that runs through my veins, though. Or, well. "Veins". It's a necessity, like food is for many. Personally, I don't really like it. Or rather, the method for getting it. It's like a plug with thick ass needles that goes through your skin, and stays on your neck for hours on end each day if you're unlucky. You get used to it as it stays there, but it buzzes your brain the whole time. Not much, though it depends on where' you're hooked into. Some suck the stuff up like fine wine, and stock up whenever they can, but I only hook into a source when I really need to. I'm not too fond of the experience.


"I like my power straight from the socket with as little cable as possible, from a clean grid. Lowest chance to get a headache from there. You do what you have to for survival, but some power grids are so janky and old, and get me so sick, that I'd rather be carried away in hibernation mode than drink from them. Batteries are fine, but not in the long run, really. The stream feels sluggish, thick, almost oily. Some like it, are even addicted to it, but I just feel like it slows me down. Can't think straight, feels like I just need to sleep it off somehow. I've heard it has been compared to junk food on people, but I'm skeptical on that.


"Lately I've come across the phenomenon of magic spiked electricity, as the worlds out there don't necessarily have the traditional sense of power grids - if they have grids at all. Some grids have magic built into them, some power in grids is produced with magic, and who knows how many other variations there are. And sometimes you just have to be zapped by a dollar store Merlin the Pajama Dude or whatever to keep things going. And let me tell you - it sucks, big time. Not the off brand Doctor Strange, but magic in general. The wizzes are often nice, friendly. Feels good not to be looked down someone's nose for a change. But if I'm not specifically asking, don't go mixing magic into my stuff. I dare you. That shit feels like a damn bucket full of energy drink on a five-year-old. It's horrible. If I can't think straight from battery power, I cannot even think sideways with magic spiked. It's not that much better than the garbage from an old grid, but I'd rather not get stuck on an unknown planet or world or whatever just because I wanted comfort instead of being able to walk.

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