Growing Up: Memories

Published Nov 26, 2023, 6:42:10 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 26, 2023, 6:42:10 AM | Total Chapters 1

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Alzoru reminisces on old dreams

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Alzoru PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3532
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Chapter NaN: Memories

Alzoru dug through a chest in hir room. It was full of old toys and portraits of hir as a child. Shi packaged the toys for sale and looked at the portraits of hir younger self dressed as various professions. Shi sighed wistfully and caressed a picture of hirself in a lawyer outfit. Shi chuckled and remembered hir phase of wanting to be a defense attorney. Ah, shi could remember it. All those novels shi read about a Falcori attorney named Phoenix who tried to defend his clients while trying to find the true culprit behind each crime inspired hir as a kid, and shi would yell “Objection” at bullies on the playground. Shi got beat up for it, but it was still fun for a while. Eventually however, shi grew out of it when one of hir bullies go off scot-free. This was when shi realized that justice was imperfect.


Shi next dug up a picture of hirself in a sailor outfit. This one was short lived, but shi did like the idea of sailing around the world with good friends and fighting evil along the way. But shi quickly realized that shi didn’t need to sail when shi could breathe underwater and would grow up to be faster than the average sail boat in the water at full speed. Shi giggled at how silly this one really was.


The next picture was of hir dressed as an archaeologist. Shi smiled. This one lasted a while, and shi still liked the idea. Exploring the world, digging up relics, discovering the pieces of the past. Shi would spend days burying junk in hir mom’s yard and then digging them up later to “speculate” on what they were and what they were used for. Shi even got to go on a field trip to learn about how the process really worked. It was then shi learned that the process was slow. REALLY slow. Slow and meticulous. A bit too slow for hir, actually. Shi was disappointed in hirself for hir lack of patience, but kept respecting the field.


Finally, shi found a picture of hirself as a teen in fake platemail armor. Shi wanted to be an adventurer, and started playing tabletop roleplaying games to prepare, and even enrolled in an adventurer’s guild which had hir spend some time at the Mage Guild of Wyveli to hone hir magic a bit, but shi found that shi learned best in the field. This was the one that stuck. Shi was an adventurer now through and through. Shi had fought imps and goblins, slimes, and bandits, though the recent large slime may have been above hir paygrade for now. Nonetheless, shi put the pictures away and sold the old toys for a nice, tidy 25 Nofukish gold. Pity shi couldn’t use hir Nafinian Gold for the interdimensional guild, but at least shi had a good meal to look forward to. Shi took one of hir cook books and started to make a nice pot of shrimp gumbo. Then it hit hir… Shi liked cooking, why had shi never considered being a pro chef? Maybe when shi retired from adventuring…

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